Archive for February, 2011

Material from Presentation at Agile.NET Houston 2010

It was fun presenting at the Agile.NET Houston 2010 conference last Friday. I did my talk on SOLID:

You’ve been learning about the core concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) for quite some time now: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. When you thought you knew it all, all of a sudden the cool kids are talking about all these principles such as “Single Responsibility Principle”, “Open/Closed Principle”, “Dependency Inversion Principle”, as well as Inversion of Control containers, etc. This session presents those concepts so the attendees can understand what they are and start using right away.

I’d like to thank everybody who showed up for my talk. I’d appreciate if you could click here and both rate and provide some feedback, so I improve this talk for next time. In that link you’ll find the downloadable material (code and slides).

See you next time!

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One Thing Different Every Week

Do you ever feel like you’re living in auto-pilot mode, where every week and every day seems to be the same? Well, I was, and I wanted to do something about it.

About 4 months ago I decided I wanted to try doing at least one different thing every week. It could either be something I’ve never done, or something that has been a while since last time I’ve done it. It doesn’t have to be something huge, such as “visit the pyramids in Egypt” (even though that’d be awesome!); it just has to be something different than the normal.

In order to track that, I’ve created a simple note in Evernote titled “One thing different every week”. At the top of that note a keep track of things I may try at some point, and at the bottom I keep a log of the things I tried, formatted as “Week of Month day, year: brief description”. This log is extremely important, as it allows me to go back and realize that I did do interesting, out of the norm, things. skateboard

Here’s a partial list of some of the things I tried/did in the last few months:

  • Go a whole week without drinking any coke (or soda of any kind). Not only did I manage to do that, but I went full 10 days with it. I didn’t think that was possible.  🙂
  • Gave somebody a nice gift that she was wanting for some time, but I did it at a regular day (not birthday, xmas, or anything like that). You see, presents given on those dates aren’t really a “surprise”, as the person normally expects something. That’s boring.
  • Bought me a nice new acoustic guitar.
  • Went bowling, after several months since last time.
  • Started doing some web developers after several years, first with ASP.NET MVC, and then Ruby on Rails.
  • Took a few days off and went on a trip with the family.

See, it doesn’t have to be a life-changing experience; anything out of the ordinary boredom should do. I’m also trying out small things that push me a little (or sometimes a lot) out of my comfort zone. For instance, this week I’m going to try to wake up every day at 5am to study something (I *hate* waking up early, and for me waking up around 7:45am is already bad enough). Who knows, maybe waking up that early to study won’t work out well for me; if that’s the case, maybe I should try waking up at that same time, but doing something else, like going inline skating around the neighborhood, or working on my music, etc. 

skatesAlso, another thing I do is to try out some soft ware or site I haven’t used before, like a different browser, or a tool that’s a competitor to another tool I use, so I can make an educated decision on sticking with the tool I was using, or switching to the other one.

Need some more ideas? Here you go: have you ever tried inline skating (rollerblading)? Give that a shot; you might like it. Did you use to skateboard when you were younger? Well, why not try that again? You may not be able to do the same tricks, but it’ll probably still be a lot of fun. How do I know? Well, take a guess…  Smile

If you give that a shot, let me know whether it worked for you, and if you feel like sharing, let me know what kind of things you’ve tried out.


Speaking at the Agile.NET conference this week

I’ll be speaking at the Agile.NET in Houston this coming Friday, February 25th. I’ll be doing one session:

Beyond the Core Concepts of OOP – SOLID

You’ve been learning about the core concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) for quite some time now: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. When you thought you knew it all, all of a sudden the cool kids are talking about all these principles such as “Single Responsibility Principle”, “Open/Closed Principle”, “Dependency Inversion Principle”, as well as Inversion of Control containers, etc. This session presents those concepts so the attendees can understand what they are and start using right away.

I’m looking forward to it. There will be good content there, and I’ll be seeing some old buddies.

Hope to see some of you there! Smile

QUICK UPDATE: you can get 25% off the $49.99 price with the code ADN-H.

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Material from my talk at the C# UG in Houston on February 15th 2011

I’d like to thank everybody who came to my talk on Tuesday, at the C# user group in Houston. It was a lot of fun. The topic was:

Improving My C#

Claudio has been both learning and sharing several things at the Virtual Brown Bag (, and he has compiled a list of useful things that have improved his C#, including writing better tests with xUnit/SubSpec, using Mercurial as a source control system, using the dynamic features of C# 4, some refactorings, and a couple of other things.

I’ve uploaded the session material to SpeakerRate. Go there to download it, and please, rate the session and give me some feedback so I can improve this talk for next time.

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