Archive for February, 2015

Hello? Is this thing on?!

It seems like my blogging fever comes in waves. Ever since I started this blog (almost 10 years ago), I spend some months blogging somewhat frequently, then I go on a hiatus, and then I come back to writing, and the cycle goes on like that. The last wave came when I switched over from .NET to Ruby on Rails development. With so many things new I had to learn, there was certainly no shortage of things to write about. My posts related to Rails can be found here.

In the last three years, I’ve had just way too much going on in my personal life and blogging just gradually dropped in priority. Another thing that has made me slow down is that I really liked using Windows Live Writer

(WLW) as my blogging editor, and I could never find a similar tool, or a tool that I liked, on the Mac. Since I’ve been using more and more the Mac as my main machine, and less and less the PC, it just didn’t make sense for me to keep a PC around just for blogging.

As I’m currently having to work on some things that require a PC, I’ve set up one as a virtual machine (using Parallels on the Mac), and also set up WLW on it, so I should be able to be back into blogging here more often.

Even though I haven’t been writing, I do have been keeping track of ideas of things I’d like to write about, so that should give me a head start.

I know some of my readers have also enjoyed posts related to my musical endeavors. I decided to create a separate blog just for that! Go check it out: it’s called Sanctuary of Nevermore. A technical note about that new blog: I’m publishing it to, straight from Evernote!

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