
I am a Technical Director at Improving Houston. I’ve been developing software since the mid ’90s (FoxPro, .NET, Ruby on Rails).

Previously, I’ve worked for several years developing .NET applications, presented several lectures at Microsoft events such as PDC Brazil, TechEd Europe, and various other Microsoft seminars, as well as several conferences and user groups across North America, Europe and Brazil.

I’ve earned the the Microsoft MVP Award from 2001 through 2012 (for Visual FoxPro in 2001-2002, and then for C#). I’ have articles published in several magazines, such as MSDN Brazil Magazine and CoDe Magazine.

I’ve started the Virtual Brown Bag meetings in 2009.

I can be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.

When not building software, I’m probably working on my music, riding my motorcycle at the track, or hanging out with my family (not necessarily in that order).


  1. #1 by Danny Acuna on April 13, 2011 - 10:11 am


    My company is planning on implementing the SCRUM framework of Agile and I wanted to see if you knew any one that has implemented SCRUM with offshore teams. Of course there are a number of articles and book written on the subject but I was hoping that along with that information we could get some practical experience from them.



  2. #3 by David Wood on September 9, 2011 - 5:55 am


    Congratulations on your new endeavor!

    Dave Wood

  3. #5 by Matt on September 25, 2011 - 2:14 pm

    Hi Claudio,

    Love your blog. Do you have an email I can reach you at? Wanted to ask you a couple questions about your writing on RubySource.

  4. #6 by Luís Pereira on January 30, 2018 - 3:35 pm

    Olá Cláudio. Li um artigo teu muito interessante sobre POO (MSN Brazil). Foi fácil, assim, ensinar os meus alunos que se estão a iniciar no C#. Após este artigo, como ponto de partida, que poderão eles fazer? Podes ajudar-nos? Obrigado.

    • #7 by claudiolassala on February 2, 2018 - 10:23 am

      Olá, Luís. Fico feliz em saber que meu artigo foi útil. Já nem me lembrava daquele artigo (acho que escrevi há mais de 10 anos atrás…). É difícil eu sugerir o que fazer após este artigo sem eu saber um pouco mais sobre o nível de seus alunos e qual é o objetivo dos estudos. Tenho muitas idéias, mas preciso saber mais antes de despejar muita informação que poderia acabar sendo em excesso e atrapalhar mais do que ajudar. 🙂

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