Posts Tagged testing

Test-First vs Test-Last

When practicing Test-Driven Development, we’re supposed to write a test first. I’ve heard developers say “it doesn’t matter if we write the test before or after the implementation, as long as we do it.

This is how I think of it:

Writing the implementation first, and then writing tests for it, sounds like implementation-driven tests. Such tests are shaped by the implementation and end up reflecting the implementation’s dependencies and how it works, unless the tests are refactored into BDD-style specs (see the differences between TDD and BDD), which is hardly ever the case.

Writing the test first, and then the implementation, drives the implementation. Test-driven development. That’s why many people (myself included) rather think of TDD as test-driven design, placing focus on the design aspect of the practice.

“Why does that matter?”

Shift in perspective.

By quickly jumping into writing code, we’re also quickly distancing ourselves from the real-world problem we’re supposed to solve.

“So, there’s no value in writing tests for existing (legacy) code?”

Yes, there is. Please do so. And once the tests are written, refactor them so to document the feature and NOT the implementation. In other words, they document why the code exists, not how it works.

I believe reading tests should go like this:

  • WHY this feature exists
  • HOW the API supports it (input/output)
  • WHAT supports the API (classes, components, methods, functions…)

In that order.

The tests/specs are not for a business feature, but instead, a technical feature?
Same thing: Why ➡️ How ➡️ What.


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BDD: What if we do NOT focus on ‘System’ behavior?

This is a way many people and literature talk about Behavior-Driven Development (BDD): “it encourages teams to use conversation and concrete examples to formalize a shared understanding of how the application should behave.” (wikipedia)

Focus on the application‘s behavior leads to user stories that start like this:

As a system…

Do we write code for the system?
Are we serving the system?
Is the system a stakeholder?

Continuing the story…

I want to…

Oh, so the system tells us what it wants? Are we already there?

Most software developers have a strong tendency to jump too quickly into problem-solving from a technical perspective, failing to see the problems the humans need solving.

Say we’re using state-of-the-art technology, implemented with the most amazing code, on the most advanced platforms, using valuable resources, such as time, attention, and money; it it worth it if humans’ lives aren’t any better?

Many times, the problem that needs solving is a process problem. Many times, it’s a people problem. Often times, social and/or cultural problems also get in the mix. Here’s an example of the latter:

A socio-cultural problem

In the mid 2000s, I met a group of developers in Redmond who had just come back from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

They had been working on a pilot project to improve the quality of public transportation, implementing a tracking system for the buses, so people could know with more accuracy when their next ride would show up.

The system was working great, except for this one bus that kept “disappearing” from the system for at least 30 minutes everyday. Puzzled, they developers were looking at the data, code, and everything in between.

The cause of the problem?

The bus driver found out how the system worked and figured out he could use its sim card in his own phone to make long distance calls to his family, who lived in the north part of the country. That was a time when long distance calls were still very expensive.

Most local developers would have caught that possibility that the foreign ones didn’t consider. The system was behaving according to spec. But the humans…

Maybe the problem that needs solving is dealing with some people’s natural behavior that may put them far from a bigger goal.

Maybe we’re trying to develop a solution that will acknowledge people’s natural behavior and make sure the desired outcome is achieved.

Or maybe the solution can help change people’s behavior gradually.

Here’s an example. In 2017, I started riding sport bikes (motorcycles, that is) at race tracks. It didn’t take much to realize that it can be an expensive sport. Doing my research and asking other riders how much they spend in their riding season, some would say “I don’t even wanna know!” Asking how often they ride, some would answer “whenever money permits“.

Well, I do want to know; if I know and understand where the money goes, I can identify ways to optimize my expenses and get to ride more!

Here’s one of the user stories I wrote at the time to capture that need (which I implemented in and have been using all these years):

Estimating Costs

In order to plan out a track day calendar within my budget
As a rider
I want to indicate estimated costs for each track day

Scenarios for the story looked something like this:

Given track days I plan on attending
When I enter their estimated costs
Then I can see the budget I will need for my riding season

By facilitating a behavior of setting proper budget for goals that are important to me, my life is better. My behavior. Not the system’s behavior.

How did that work out for me in that specific case?

Comparing my Year #1 in track day riding to Year #6, the number of days I rode went up by 146%, while the money I’ve spent on it went down by 78%. Value up, cost down. Win-win in my book. The chart below shows 2017 through 2022.

The closer we get to the bits and bytes, yes, specs will tend to describe what we expect from the system. But that’s NOT where I believe we should start from.

In the great books Specification by Example and Writing Great Specifications, the authors are very specific at sticking to the definition of BDD as Dan North meant it.

In this post, I’ve put my own spin on it, as this is how I’ve practiced it over the years.

In his talk about “Leadership vs Management: What it means to make a difference”, Seth Godin talks about how people think Beethoven’s 5th Symphony should sound: the way the maestro wrote it, or the way made popular by Arturo Toscanini? Interesting watch.


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TDD? Get a coach!

Good old fellow speaker Jim Holmes had a great addition to my recent post on TDD tips for scrum teams:

Get a coach to embed with the team–someone who’s got practical, hands-on expertise in implementing TDD in legacy systems.

Trying to get TDD rolling on existing codebases is hard, hard, hard. Having a guide to help the team figure out how to succeed at TDD is critical.

I couldn’t agree more.

I was once asked to work with a team to help them improve their TDD practice. Except that they weren’t practicing TDD yet.

The team had taken a TDD class and started to write as many tests as they could. They said: “our test files are very cluttered, very brittle“. Yes they were.

As the team describes what they are experiencing, it is clear that the tests are written after the feature implementation. Further inspection of the test files confirms that, with signs of copy-and-paste throughout and across several files.

Had the team stayed on that path, they’d quickly abandon tests altogether, as it was getting too hard to maintain those tests and write new ones.

By getting a few sprints of coaching, they learned to:

  • refactor the existing tests
  • identify flaws in the software’s current design and implementation
  • start developing the mindset of test-driven design

Start with a great training coursecommit to applying what you’ve learned, and then follow it up with great coaching.

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Evidences that TDD is better

🚨 Spoiler alert: the evidences you seek aren’t likely to be found here!

There are a number of studies available on the web with numbers, charts, etc. This post does NOT include any of that.

For the readers who enjoy geeking out on studies and researches, here are some great books that include some of that:

What follows are some of my current thoughts on the topic at hand.

Weeks ago I shared some thoughts on this question I’ve heard many times over the years: Is TDD something you do sometimes or all the time? It generated a great conversation with an old fox who has been stalking me for several years. 😉

It started like this:

I’ve never seen good evidence that TDD is better. Oh sure, there are opinions, but not concrete evidence.

That’s a common comment, so I wanted to explore it more.

As a guitar player, I’m often asked questions like “who do you think is better: Tony Iommy or James Hetfield? Yngwie J. Malmsteen or Eddie Van Halen?”

At one point in my life, I’d answer Iommy. At a later point, Hetfield. Then, at another point, Malmsteen. And depending on the day, Van Halen.

It’s all contextual. I’ve listened to a lot of music by those four guys since the mid 80’s. The circumstance, the people who were with me, my personal experiences, all of that influenced who I thought was better at one time or another.

But better at what?!

Record sales?
Influence over new bands and/or guitarists?
Number of hit songs?
Number of memorable riffs and/or guitar solos?
Career longevity?
Guitar playing technique? Innovation?
Caring for their fans?

As the old fox said, “oh sure, there are opinions…”

Over the years, I couldn’t agree with my own opinion, let alone the opinion of others. So who is better?

The fox says “…but not concrete evidence.”

Wait; what kind of evidence are we looking for? I think we’d only know that if we could answer the “better at what?” question. In the case of guitarists, if we’re considering “better at selling records”, that’s something measurable.

But who’s better: a best selling or the most influential guitarist? The latter? But most influential at what?

At some point, I gave up on answering those questions. I’ve let it go. Depending on a number of factors based on a single moment of time, I will deliberately choose one guitarist over the other.

But I digress…

So, is TDD is better?

Better at what? Better than what?

Better at decreasing bugs?
Better at increasing code quality?
Better at bringing clarity to our thoughts before we decide how we want to implement something?


Better than not practice TDD?
(I can’t come up with any other options here…)

If we manage to add more context to the question, then we can look at the next one, “is there any evidence?”, and define what kind of evidence we’re looking for, and finally look at how we could possibly measure it.

Say the question is, “is TDD better at delivering software faster than not practicing TDD?

If we’re looking at it only in the context of a very short period, we may find it that it is not.

If we’re looking at a longer period of time, I’d bet it is better.

But we should figure out what we’re measuring besides the time spent writing tests. For example:

  • time spent reading code until we feel confident to change it
  • time spent on a debugger troubleshooting issues

The old fox is wise; one needs to try something before reaching any conclusions:

“I’ve tried it. I can’t say I saw an improvement in the code or fewer bugs. There’s no way to accurately measure that.”

How do we see improvement in code?

There are code metrics we can use, such as cyclomatic complexity (CC), but can one see improvement in code if CC decreases? If developers working on the code can’t yet appreciate low CC, they don’t see it as an improvement.

Occasional music listeners may not appreciate improvements in remastered albums. Many times we need to be trained so we can start seeing (perceiving?) things as improvements. As someone who dabbles at playing classical guitarJulian Bream’s Masterclass videos has made me hear and see nuances I was respectively deaf and blind to before.

The fox continues:

But when I wrote code I refactored a lot, not just the code I was writing, but the existing code around it. So that could have an effect on quality.

That reminded me of Michael Feathers’ Working Effectively with Legacy Code, when he talks about pinch points (here’s a good short description).

But the old fox wasn’t finished:

I think there are enough developers out there that don’t know how to do unit testing properly. If we want to turn them into TDD devs, first they need to learn how to write good unit tests. Here’s an example: At my last job, I was moved to a team that had little unit testing. They owned code that I was told “It can’t be unit tested.” I showed them it could. Once they’ve learned how to effectively unit test, only then should they be pushed to TDD. At least, that’s my opinion.

BINGO! That resonates a ton with my own experience. Years ago I even gave a talk titled “I Cannot Write Tests for That!”: UI Edition. I’ve had several similar experiences coaching developers into the practice just like the fox described. I draw great satisfaction from helping developers through that journey, and more often than not, I don’t have to “push them to TDD”; they are the ones “pulling for it”!

Final thoughts for now…

If I am to look for “evidences that TDD is better”, I think of what works for me and those around me:

  • The time spent designing potential solutions to problems is time well spent
    • and it is shorter than the back and forth of implementing features without designing them
  • It’s very satisfying to be able to refactor implementation when there are good specs to back it up
  • The level of willingness a development team shows to embrace changes
  • It feels very pleasant and productive to collaborate with others and have conversations using well-crafted specs

Now if you excuse me, I have some TDDing to do.

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TDD tips for scrum teams

“Any tips for getting your Scrum team on board with practicing TDD as a team?”


  • It starts with the individual
  • Lunch and Learns
  • Try it with one small story
  • Code Review
  • Ping-Pong Pair Programming
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Book Clubs

Expanding each of those points…

It starts with the individual

A few common situations that prevent teams from adopting TDD include:

  • Can’t make time in current project
  • Legacy system that makes it very hard to practice TDD
  • Team members not willing to try it
  • Lack of support from the business

Those situations should NOT prevent an individual to do it.

Practice TDD on your own time so you can build your skills.

If others see you do it, they may join you. If they do, great. If they don’t, you are still growing.

Lunch and Learn

If you decide to take it on your own, offer lunch and learn sessions for your team to share your experiences, struggles, successes.

The purpose is not to wait until you become an expert; share it as you learn.

Make it a recurring meeting.

Write down ahead of time the things you’d like to share (including how and why you failed, and how you’ve overcome it – or not!).

People aren’t showing up or look uninterested? Consider putting it out as blog posts. Why? There are always people out there who will relate to your struggles and successes.

Try it with one small story

Pick one small story, or a small piece of a story, and commit to doing TDD.

You may fail (many times). You may succeed. Either way, share your findings with the team:

  • was it taking too long?
  • Why?
  • Lack of knowledge? Practice?
  • Difficulties with the legacy code?
  • What kind of difficulties?
  • Too many dependencies?

Work as a team to figure out how the hurdles could be overcome.
Your weaknesses might be someone else’s strengths. And vice-versa.

Share the experience at the sprint retrospective. Figure out the next step and commit to it.

Code Review

When doing code review, start by reviewing tests/specs.

When writing tests first, consider asking for a code review before implementing it, to make sure you have a good understanding of the problem that needs solving.

During that review, share any difficulties you see. The reviewer might know how to help you. And if not, you may find a clear path ahead of you just by articulating your thoughts and sharing it with someone else.

After done with the implementation, ask for another code review. This time, maybe share how you’ve addressed the difficulties. Also, maybe discuss ways how the test code could be improved.

Ping-Pong Pair Programming

Consider ping-pong pair programming: one person writes a test, the other one writes the implementation. Then swap.

Set a time-box. Do not let interruptions get in the way.

Let others know what the pair is up to so they can help avoid interruptions during the time-box.

Share the lessons learned with the team.

Divide and Conquer

Work as a team.

Divide the challenges so that each team member can focus on learning one thing, and then share the findings with the team.

Here are some ideas on what to learn:

  • Test frameworks for the tech stack
  • Testing legacy code
  • Tools such as, Cucumber, SpecFlow, Selenium, etc.
  • How to test code that makes heavy use of libraries or frameworks such as Angular, React, Mass Transit, etc.
  • How to write better specifications in Given-When-Then

Book Clubs

Run book clubs!

Build knowledge and skill together as a team.

Choose a book that seems to fit the team’s current skills, set a cadence (maybe once a week during lunch breaks?), start reading, and discuss the findings together.

Here are a few books you may want to consider: Recommended Reading on Testing

In Summary

I have used all of these techniques. Still do.

I pick and choose whichever one works better depending on my current situation. Sometimes the one I pick doesn’t work on a given team. I drop it, and try another one.

Whether the team thinks of TDD as Test Driven Development or Design and whether they use the terms test or spec, that depends on the team’s maturity. Different people, different backgrounds, different ways to learn.

It all starts with one person. Do not wait for that person. Be that person.


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Is it a code smell to use Mocks in unit testing?


But first, I’ll start by clarifying that developers asking that question usually mean “test doubles“, instead of “mocks”.

Some situations that might indicate code smell in tests include:

  • using several test doubles to test one thing
  • complex test doubles setup

Both cases aren’t only an indication of a code smell in the test; they often indicate a bigger problem: code smell in the design!

If the system under test (SUT) requires too many test doubles to satisfy its dependencies, it likely violates the Interface Segregation Principle

A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use, or clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use.

Take the example below:

public class SomeClass(Dependency1 Dependency1,   
Dependency2 Dependency2, Dependency3 Dependency3, 
Dependency4 Dependency4)
 public void SomeMethod()  
   if (dependency1.CheckThis() && 
       dependency2.CheckThat() && 
       dependency3.CheckSomethingElse() &&   
       // do the thing...    


To write a unit test for SomeMethod, we would need mock each one of the 4 dependencies.

By inspecting how those dependencies are used, we could identify a new abstraction that offers what SomeClass needs:

public class SomeClass(Dependency Dependency)
  public void SomeMethod()  
   if (dependency.CanIDoTheThing())     
     // do the thing...    


Now there’s only one dependency to deal with in tests, and it’s easier to learn what that dependency provides.

An example of code smell

Here’s a test I’ve run into many years ago:

According to the name of the test, it verifies that the “PUT method returns OK and PortfolioModel when service response is successful“.

When I’ve read through the test, these considerations came to mind:

  • Number of stubs and mocks (mockPortfolioService, portModel, response, portfolioModel)
  • Overuse of Arg.Any
  • Arg.Any hiding the meaning/intent of several parameters
  • Unclear what “Configure” is all about (what does it mean to return true from it?)
  • What’s the difference between portModel and portfolioModel? Why are both needed?
  • The file had about 40 tests that looked very similar to this one in terms of mocks and stubs; a product of copy-and-paste.

After raising the issues with the developers on the team, we identified the design issues that resulted in tests having to be written that way. The tests were rewritten to isolate and call out the issue, and a design change was proposed.

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Is it worth writing test code for application logic?

“Is it worth writing test code for application logic (as opposed to business logic)?”

  • Yes.
  • Not all of it.
  • Not always.

Test what yields business value.
Making the development effort more efficient may yield business value.

If application logic is directly related to business value, it needs automated tests.

If lack of tests for application logic delays development efforts (including manual testing), then it’s worth writing tests.

An example…

As a developer, I like being able to take an API contract designed by the team (the URI to the endpoint and the shape of the input and output) and write a quick test for it that we can use to make sure the endpoint works as expected.

This is what such tests look like:

On the left, we see the test. On the right, we see the expected payload and response.

This integration test verifies that:

  • The route exists
  • The json payload can be handled
  • The response gets serialized into the expected json

But not only that, it also verifies any middleware that exists between the route and the controller, so things like authorization, model binders, dependency registrations, etc.

We either find a test harness, or build one, to make such tests easy to write, so there’s no reason not to.

The example above:

  • Does not need any special tool
  • Is written in plain C# and

In summary, when deciding what we should write tests for, “application logic” also comes into consideration.

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Is TDD something you do sometimes or all the time?

That’s another common question: Is TDD something you do sometimes or all the time?

The short answer is neither. Or, “it depends”.

But let’s explore the long answer…

When I started learning TDD, yes, I’d do it all the time.

“But have you always worked on projects where you could do TDD all the time?!”

Most certainly I have NOT!

There are times when I can’t do TDD on a project.
That doesn’t prevent me from still doing it on the side.
I learn and practice it on my own time.

TDD became something I do most of the time, but never all the time.

So when do I NOT do TDD?

There are situations when I specifically choose not to do TDD. Here are some that come to mind…

Exploring a library or framework

When trying to learn what a library or framework can do for me, and how I’m supposed to use it.

Once I identify ways I’ll use it, I often refactor those tests into Given-When-Then, documenting my understanding and assumptions, so I can later remember what parts of it I’m using.

That approach also provides a safety net when consuming updates to those packages (identifying breaking changes and such).

Exploring approaches

Sometimes I need to implement features that currently lack clarity, so I want to gather feedback from stakeholders as soon as possible. I may try a few different approaches and won’t do TDD.

I will, however, use BDD (Behavior Driven Development) to describe, to the best of my ability, the feature we’re building.

Solving small problems

If a problem is too small and yields very little value, I may skip TDD.

Pitfalls of TDD

Remember Design Patternitis? That’s something most developers face when we learn Design Patterns; we start trying to apply them everywhere! As mentioned earlier, TDD is not something to be done always, everywhere, every time.

Another situation I see often is “copy-and-paste inheritance”; tests are initially written carefully following TDD, but then every new test comes from copy-and-paste, without any effort going into refactoring the test code. This is a pitfall that happens in most automated tests, and tests written following TDD can also suffer from it.

But BDD…

I try to do BDD most of the time, even if it means writing the stories and scenarios on a napkin.

Many times I don’t even know how I’ll actually implement the specs/tests, but I still write those English sentences before trying to write any code. No GWT, No Code!

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Differences between TDD and BDD

So what’s the different between Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)? I’ve written about that before, but I think that post lacks something more illustrative.

For one thing, I forgot to mention: I’m in the camp that thinks of the last D as design, instead of development. That matters.

I’ve heard developers say things like:

  • “I don’t do TDD anymore, now I’m BDD all the way!”, or
  • “I only do TDD, because I can’t use Cucumber, SpecFlow, or any one of those BDD tools.”

Here’s how I see it…

At some point, I learned to write unit/integration tests in this manner:

Through TDD, I learned to write such test before writing the actual code.

Then I learned about “BDD-style” tests, so I refactored tests such as the one above into the one below:

That was my transition from Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) to Given-When-Then (GWT).

Then I learned that BDD and TDD go hand-in-hand:

No special tools, languages, test frameworks. In the example above, just plain C# and

In summary:

  • BDD specifying the desired outcome
  • TDD specifying the desired approach to achieve the desire outcome

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TDD and Legacy Code


Is Test Driven Development (TDD) practical when working with a lot of legacy code?

Yes, it is.

There’s an opportunity to practice Test Driven Development (TDD) whenever we write new code in a legacy system. As an example, when writing a new component, service, feature, etc., which is going to be called from the legacy system.

But what if the new code is to be written right in the middle of existing legacy code?

There’s still an opportunity for TDD.

Think what the new code is supposed to do.

Maybe it’s a new if-block that checks some variables in the existing code. That if-block asks the system a question; could that question be implemented as a method, a function, or similar approach, and then called from the existing code?

Or maybe the new lines will perform some sort of task, which is an opportunity to follow TDD to design and implement the new task, and then call it from the legacy code.

What about testing the existing legacy code?

There’s a possibility that the current state of the legacy code is so poor that even changing it to call any new code is so hard that a decision is made to only change the old code, and therefore, leaving no room for TDD.

If that’s the case, there’s still value in at least trying to write characterization tests for the existing code. That’s one scenario where using code coverage can yield benefits, as opposed to the bad way many people use it.

The existing system may be massive, so it’s important to know what we should write tests for.

What do we get from that?

The experience acquired with writing tests for legacy code makes us stronger TDD practitioners; as we experience the pain of writing tests for code that wasn’t implemented and designed with testability in mind, we also apply those lessons when designing new solutions.

But what if I’m working on a greenfield project and there’s no legacy code here?

Isn’t there? Are you sure? Many developers think of legacy code as code written a long, long time ago, often in defunct languages.

Michael Feathers defined legacy code as “code without tests”.

I’ve learned to think of legacy code as “code nobody wants to deal with, with or without tests”.

Sometimes a decision is made NOT to write tests (topic for another post). We can still write the code in ways that people won’t feel compelled to run away from it, even if there are no tests yet.

Sometimes we write tests within a sprint, but we do a poor job at writing those, so tests become “code nobody wants to deal with”.

In case you haven’t already, make sure to read and apply techniques from Michael Feathers’ Working Effectively with Legacy Code.

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