Archive for October, 2017

Creating a TODO template in Resharper

It’s been a while since I created a template in Resharper. I wanted to create one yesterday, and it took me longer than I thought it would, so I figured I should write a post I can refer back to. I probably got spoiled by how awesome CodeRush is when it comes to creating templates and was expecting similar experience in R#. Anyway…

The template I want to create is one where I type todo to expand the template, and then I can type whatever comment I want to attach to my todo:

Here’s how we do that. Go to Resharper -> Tools -> Template Explorer…

Select C# and new on the New Template button:

Type in the template:

For shortcut, I typed todo.

Notice I’ve included $date$. Anything within $ indicates we want to create a parameter. On the righthand side we can select from a list of macros that get evaluated for the parameter:

I’ve picked “Current date…” and set the specific format I want (yyyy-MM-dd):

Now when I type todo in the code editor…

I get the result I want and can type in whatever else…

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Spanglish in Programming

Much like there’s a hybrid between English and Spanish called Spanglish, there’s also one between Porguese (Português) and Spanish (Espanhol) called Portunhol. It seems like the same happens with programming languages!

Here are some cases:

  • C# and T-SQL
  • C# and XML
  • C# and HTML
  • HTML and JavaScript
  • HTML and CSS
  • HTML, JavaScript and CSS

I personally do not like seeing a file that contains hybrid code. I’ve seen so many horrid C# files building nasty T-SQL strings. I’ve also seen “unit” tests really hard to read because of nasty XML strings it contained. And of course, we’ve all seen HTML files with both HTML, JavaScript and CSS all mixed into one big pile of mud.

One of the reasons I liked directives in Angular 1.x is the fact it mostly keeps JavaScript away from HTML. I say mostly because it still uses some JavaScript-like elements in order to perform for-each and things like that, but not to an extent where I’d forget that I’m reading HTML in an HTML file.

Then I look at JSX (example found here):

Is that JavaScript? Is that HTML?

So far, I’m not convinced I’ll like that approach, but hey, let me stick with it and see what kind of things I can build with this mess.

Como would usted gostar if yo tivesse written esta post the mismo jeito I escrevi this frase?

See what I’m saying? 🙂

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Starting to learn React

I just got started learning React. Much like I did when I started learning Rails many years ago and documented my findings, I’ll do the same with React. If anything else, at least to have a place to come back to when I don’t remember things. 🙂

To get started, I’m following the following Pluralsight course: Building Applications with React and Flux.

So far, I’ve been through the intro and environment setup. Those were good for me to revisit some things I haven’t played much with yet: Node.JS, Browserify, Flux, and Gulp.

Here’s a quick run through of my notes…

React allows for the creation of components, in similar way to “directives” in Angular. Something got me scared, though: “JavaScript and HTML belong in the same file”. Hmm, I’m not sure I like that. That to me is the Spanglish of programming. I’ll wait and learn a little more before I tell you how I really feel about it.

React has no two-way binding, which I liked in Angular. Again, I need to learn a little more about this to see how I like it.

React can render both on the client and server (different from Angular). This sounds interesting.

Instead of using Sublime to follow along the course, I decided to install Visual Studio Code on the Mac to experiment with it. So far so good.

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Speaking at Houston Tech Fest 2017

I’m speaking at Houston Tech Fest this weekend. I always have a great time there so I always look forward to it. I’ll be giving the two talks below. If you attend to my sessions, please click the “link for feedback” for the session you attended and give me your feedback so I can work on improving it.

Be a Professional Developer and Write Clean Code (Keynote)
9:30-10:30am (Room 300)
Professional developers must write the best code possible, given what they know and what they have at the moment of writing. After a while, we may look at that code and wonder “wow, what was I thinking?”, and that’s a good thing: it shows we have improved. This session is about my observations regarding code I either wrote or had to work with.
Link for feedback

Beyond the Daily Stand-up: An Intro to Scrum (Keynote)
5:20-6:20pm (Room 304)
Countless companies believe they’re doing Scrum because they have 30-minute daily stand-ups (with people sitting and staring at their laptops) every morning. But Scrum is really a lot more than that. In this session, we see all of the main parts of Scrum (roles, artifacts, and events), and we also talk about some real-world collaborations in teams who adopted Scrum.
Link for feedback

Whenever I’m not giving a talk, I’ll most likely be hanging at the Improving booth. Make sure to come by and say hi! 🙂

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Code Review talk at the HDNUG

I’ll be speaking at the Houston .NET User Group (HDNUG) this Thursday, October 12th, at 6:30pm:

Code Review: I mean no harm!
As part of the work I’ve been doing for many years, I get to do a lot of code review. I usually document things that come up doing a code review so I can share it with other developers in the teams. In this session, I share some of the code I’ve looked at, the reasons why the code raised yellow or red flags in my head, and possible solutions I’ve proposed.

This is a fun talk for me and I’ve received great feedback from those who have seen it recently. It’s also going to be the first HDNUG meeting hosted at the new Improving Houston office. So I’m excited!

Here’s the location:
10111 Richmond Ave, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77042

Click here for directions. There’s plenty of free parking right at the location. See you there!

UPDATE: If you attend this talk, please, give me feedback by following this link. It’ll be a big help so I can improve it.

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